Europe’10: Waitrose supermarket

(English by Eddie 🙂

對超市狂的塔嘻來說,不管是去哪一國旅行,去當地超市逛上好幾圈是一定要的行程。去年去歐洲玩耍,逛了英國、荷蘭、比利時、盧森堡跟瑞士這五個國家的超市,最最喜歡的當屬英國的 Waitrose 啦!

As a supermarket-mania, shopping in the supermarkets is a must do while travelling in any country. Last year we went for travelling over UK, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland, and walked around many supermarkets. Among those, Tarcy’s favorite is UK’s Waitrose.

在英國,有幾家規模比較大的連鎖超市,如 WaitroseMarks and Spencer, Sainsbury’sTesco。Waitrose 給人家的感覺最「高貴」,Tesco則是被大家認為最平價。但 Waitrose 去年九月開始也展開了「比價計畫」,強調至少有1,000樣的知名品牌商品,價格都跟 Tesco一模一樣喔!

Several big supermarkets operate in UK, for example, Waitrose, Marks and Spencer, Sainsbury’s and Tesco. Waitrose gives an image of luxury while Tesco is thought to be fairly cheap. But since last September Waitrose has started a campaign to emphasis that they also sell more than 1000 brand products at the same prices as what Tesco does.

早在前往倫敦之前,塔嘻就已經調查好有哪些超市想去,幸運的是,艾迪公司附近 (Canary Wharf) 就有一家大型的 Waitrose、一家小型的 Marks and Spencer Simply Food、一家中型的 Tesco Metro 與兩家小型的 Tesco Express。不管是哪一家,塔嘻也都逛了他們其他的分店,最喜歡的當屬 Canary Wharf 的 Waitrose 囉!不管是動線、擺設、商品的多樣化、自家商品的包裝設計與美味程度,在塔嘻心裡,全都拔得頭籌。有機會去英國旅行的人,千萬不要錯過 Waitrose 喔!廢話不多說,看照片 (^○^)

Before heading to UK, Tarcy has done a research on which supermarkets to visit. Luckily there are five near Eddie’s company office: one large-size Waitrose, one small-size Marks and Spencer Simply Food, one mid-size Tesco Metro and two small-size Tesco Express. Tarcy also visited stores located in other places and Tarcy think the Waitrose in Canary Wharf is the best. It did an excellent job of planning the store layout, inner decoration and providing a good variety of products and awesome private brand products. Be sure to visit the Waitrose if you get a chance to travel UK! Let’s see the photos!

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