
3.11東北關東大震災已經過兩週了… 最近的新話題是「現在東京的水是不是不能喝啊?」

It has been 2 weeks since the Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake, and now the latest topic is: is Tokyo’s tap water drinkable?

這幾天有些朋友跟塔嘻媽問塔嘻說有沒有跟著大家去搶水,我說沒有。新聞發佈當天,其實是呼籲「未滿一歲的小嬰兒」先暫時不要喝,因為依照日本政府現在對碘131「暫定」的攝取上限是,小嬰兒是100Bq,成人則是300Bq,當天東京的金町淨水場檢查到的是210Bq,所以才會很多媽媽很擔心急著去買水來泡奶粉。 若是以成人的標準來看,的確是還沒超過標準值沒錯…

Recently some of Tarcy’s friends and Tarcy’s Mon asked me whether we went to grab bottled water, and the answer is no. According to the announcement, the infants who are under 1 year old should refrain from drinking the tap water. Japan government’s tentative limit of taking iodine 131 for infants is 100 Bq and for adults it is 300 Bq, while the measured value of tap water from Kanamachi purification plant was 210 Bq on 22th March. No wonder many mothers urgently went to buy bottled water to make milk for their babies, although it is also said to be no worry for adults to drinking tap water since the measured value is still lower than the limit for adults…


The panic buying happened in Tokyo area after the earthquake has been dumbfounding, and it continued when this bad news was out. Tarcy believed not all of those panic-buying people have children. But if you see those worried mothers who were unable to buy any bottled water for their babies, you should think like as that they are the ones who actually needed the bottled water. They ran over many supermarkets and convenient stores and vending machines, and event online shopping websites, but all were sold out! In addition to be worrying they seems can’t do anything. Japan government has asked the vendors to produce more, however the problems still exist: the factories were damaged and didn’t have enough power to operate…



1顆乾電池,可以讓100個人聽收音機 (目前大部分的災區都看不到電視,只能透過收音機得到外界的消息)

12 rolls of toilet paper can serve 1000 people for using the toilets
10 liters of gasoline can fulfill an ambulance to move 4 injured persons
1 kilogram of toast is enough for a family
1 can of gas is sufficient to cook rice for 10 persons
5 kilogram of rice can be used to make 120 onigiri (rice ball)
1 battery can let 100 people listen to the radio (television is still unavailable in many affected areas, thus people can only receive information from radio)

↑ 這實在講得太中肯了!

Don’t tell me you shit a lot just because of the earthquake?
↑ This poster does honestly express it!

我們倆是會擔心喝久了對身體不好沒錯,但我想小嬰兒比我們更需要那些水,所以也不想在這個貨源不足的節骨眼跟著去搶 ←其實想搶也搶不到啦(~_~) 而且有些比較有良心的超市現在都規定要出示「母子手冊」,確定你家真的有一歲以下的嬰兒,才可以購買1-2瓶的礦泉水,這些超市都給他們加分(^_-)-☆

We do worry a bit that drinking the contaminated tap water over a long period of time might cause negative influence to health, but I believe the little babies need the bottled water more than us. Therefore we don’t want to urgently grab the bottled water at this critical moment (actually we’re also unable to grab one ~_~). Some considerate supermarkets now ask the customers to show a paper that proves you do have a baby and they will confirm the baby’s age, and then the customers can buy 1 or 2 bottles of water. These supermarkets did an excellent job!



Only buy something you really need.

也因為還是有很多日本人沒辦法這樣想,還是不停的「搶購」各種物資,所以網路上有些人發起了響應「STOP PANIC BUYING (パニック買いはやめよう)」,希望住在非災區的人不要再瘋狂的搶購自己目前還有存貨或眼前用不到的東西… 讓給真正需要的人吧!裡頭有幾張海報真的做的很不錯,跟大家分享~

Still some Japanese don’t have the consideration and keep buying many kinds of supplies. Now a campaign is held on the internet to appeal “Stop Panic Buying”, hopping people of unaffected areas to stop buying unnecessary stuff and leave it to those who really need. There are couple well designed illustrations to share with you.



Question: why you do panic buying?
☐Because I do need it.
☐Just in case.
☐Asked by others
☐Since everyone is doing the same
Calm down, be considerate of others, be yourself as usual.


As foreseen the hopeless TEPCO could make troubles every day, the unstable situation would last for a while. Since the supply of bottled water is still below the demand and we can hardly buy them, Tarcy has come out ways to tackle the problem:

  1. 因為碘131有「半衰期」的特性,放上八天左右,含量就減半,放上16天就只剩下1/4…依此類推,所以塔嘻現在就先把用淨水器過濾過的水保存到洗淨的寶特瓶裡,過八天後再喝的話,碘131就減半啦~那你說我們這八天要喝啥咧~之前為了緊急逃生包買的兩罐2L的礦泉水現在就派上用場了,把礦泉水跟現在淨水器濾出來的水以1:1的比例,這樣一樣有「減半」的效果!
  2. 但兩瓶兩升的礦泉水還是撐不到八天啊!所以塔嘻準備了一個1L的寶特瓶空瓶,請艾迪每天從公司裝蒸餾水回來ヽ(^o^)丿←本來想給他1+0.5升的瓶子,但體恤到他要搭那擠人的電車通勤,就意思意思裝個一升回來吧(-。-)y-゜゜゜帶回來後的蒸餾水一樣跟淨水器濾過的水以1:1的比例,跟放八天效果一樣喔!
  1. The iodine 131 has a characteristic of “half-life” that the radiation level will become half of original after 8 days, become one-fourth of original after 16 days, etc. So Tarcy put the purified water into clean bottles and drink it after 8 days. During the 8 days we can have the two 2-liter bottles of mineral water in the emergency bag. By mixing the mineral water with the purified water in a proportion of 1 to 1 can achieve the same “half-life” effect!
  2. The two bottles of mineral water are not enough for 8 days, therefore Tarcy prepared a 1-liter bottle and ask Eddie to get distilled water from the companyヽ(^o^)丿←The original thought is to give him more bottles but consider the commuting during rush hour, one 1 liter can do as well (-。-)y-゜゜゜The distilled water is mixed with the purified water same as above.


On the left hand side is the bottled water for emergency; on the right hand side is the freeze-dried spinach imported from Taiwan, our best friend at the critical moment!




Do not buy too much food and supplies (this one is funny that it’s of stamps).



Stop panic buying – for those who really need


↑ 我喜歡這個(^^♪

Scrambling to each other will result in insufficiency.
Sharing to each other will result in surplus.

↑ I love this (^^♪

東電真的是每天都可以搞出很多新問題來整大家啊 <`ヘ´> 希望大家的生活都可以早日恢復正常。

The TEPCO is really good at making troubles for us every day. <`ヘ´> Hopefully our life can get back to normal soon.


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